Your body, however you choose to see it, is an amazing thing. Many think of the body in the physical aspects. There are muscles, tendons, organs, etc. that keep the body moving and erect every single day. What you might not realize is that this is the tip of the iceberg. Your body is more than just a “meat suit”. Your body holds way more.
You may be in a shift, or have even come to realized, how much stress impacts your body. You realize that you have stress points, that the things you do everyday impact your body, etc. However, you may also be searching for quick fixes or the “key” to getting your body to feel better, NOW. But here’s the thing; it took months, years, or even decades of ignoring your body that getting to the root cause will take time. These things cannot be fixed in one day, nor can they be addressed by just one person or technique.
Let me be straight forward…It will take time to unravel the stress (physical, mental, and/or emotional) that you have been carrying around in your body. It is going to take time, and more than likely a number of tools, to help you get back into alignment. This has always been my philosophy and it is time for me to make this shift into fully focusing on this.
I am here to have conversations about tools that exist to help you feel better. I alone cannot fix you. You must be willing to fix yourself. It is my job to help you find your tools, whether it be bodywork, movement therapy, etc. or providing you professionals outside of my space who can further assist you.
It is time to help You Choose You.
It is time to help you put your puzzle together.
If you are ready, or want to learn more, let’s have coffee and chat. Click the button below to take the first step in learning more about how I can support you on your journey.