My Perspective on Perspective

Lets take a moment and talk about perspective. We hear the word thrown around quite a bit now a days. Yet I feel we are missing the mark. So I want to talk about it a bit; my perspective on “perspective”. To summarize the word “perspective”, it comes from one’s point of view. A person’s…

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It is not unknown that I love to pick up heavy sh!t. I enjoy lifting, feeling strong and pushing myself both physically and mentally. Though I adapted how I lift over the years to ensure the longevity of my body, movement is by far one of the best things for my mind, body and soul.…

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When Your Body Speaks…

Your body, however you choose to see it, is an amazing thing. Many think of the body in the physical aspects. There are muscles, tendons, organs, etc. that keep the body moving and erect every single day. What you might not realize is that this is the tip of the iceberg. Your body is more…

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Breaking Free from Survival Mode

How Somatic Therapy Unlocks Healing Before discovering body-based therapy, I assumed the only way to feel better was to get through whatever was happening and wait for the storm to be over. For others, you may disappear into your mind and escape into a fantasy land. You may jump in full throttle and take charge…

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Embracing Body Reconciliation: A Journey to Trust

Dear Body, I am sorry…  I was taught not to trust you. To look at you as though you could be manipulated into anything that I wanted you to be. Do whatever it takes to make THEM happy. Not realizing how unhappy and hurt I, and you, truly were. Today we live in a society…

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How do you define consistency?

A word that is thrown around when it comes to habit making. There are many books out there that lay out the path on how to “be successful”, “find more time”, “heal your trauma”, etc.

Do you notice that these books often lay out someone else’s path that you’re supposed to follow? Do you notice that many of these paths tend to have a linear, check box, framework?

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Dear 2024…

Let’s Break the Wheel…
Let’s break the wheel of making fitness a trend.
Let’s break the wheel of achieving a specific weight goal.
Let’s break the wheel of shrinking to a smaller size.
Let’s Break the wheel of chasing a specific physique or look.

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Fear Vs. Love

Fear vs. Love Blog which do you live in

I heard someone say that fear is stronger than love. I did not understand this statement when I was younger. In all honesty, I was ignorant to its meaning until just a few years ago. During my healing journey, I discovered how much fear was leading my life. How I was not moving forward because…

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About Honor Wellnesss


I hope you are enjoying my new website.  It has been an honor to share my story with you and provide an overview of my offerings. For my first blog post, I want to share why I feel it is important to take part in some form of healing work, whether it be an intensive…

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